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Antibiotics an its history

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6:03 AM By surendra , In

    (Gr. anti, "against"; bios, "life") An antibiotic is a chemical substance produced by one organism that is destructive to another. The word antibiotic came from the word antibiosis a term coined in 1889 by Louis Pasteur's pupil Paul Vuillemin which means a process by which life could be used to destroy life. Ancient HistoryThe ancient Egyptians, the Chinese, and Indians of central America all used molds to treat infected wounds. However, they did not understand the connection of the antibacterial properties of mold and the treatment of diseases. Late 1800sThe search for antibiotics began in the late 1800s, with the growing acceptance of the germ theory of disease, a theory which linked bacteria and other microbes to the causation of a variety of ailments. As a result, scientists began to devote time to searching for drugs that would kill these disease-causing bacteria.
    1871The surgeon Joseph Lister, began researching the phenomenon that urine contaminated with mold would not allow the successful growth of bacteria. 1890sGerman doctors, Rudolf Emmerich and Oscar Low were the first to make an effective medication that they called pyocyanase from microbes. It was the first antibiotic to be used in hospitals. However, the drug often did not work. 1928Sir Alexander Fleming observed that colonies of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus could be destroyed by the mold Penicillium notatum, demonstrating antibacterial properties. 1935Prontosil, the first sulfa drug, was discovered in 1935 by German chemist Gerhard Domagk (1895–1964). 1942The manufacturing process for Penicillin G Procaine was invented by Howard Florey (1898–1968) and Ernst Chain (1906–1979). Penicillin could now be sold as a drug. Fleming, Florey, and Chain shared the 1945 Nobel Prize for medicine for their work on penicillin.
    1943In 1943, American microbiologist Selman Waksman (1888–1973) made the drug streptomycin from soil bacteria, the first of a new class of drugs called aminoglycosides. Streptomycin could treat diseases like tuberculosis, however, the side effects were often too severe.
    1955Tetracycline was patented by Lloyd Conover, which became the most prescribed broad spectrum antibiotic in the United States.
    1957Nystatin was patented and used to cure many disfiguring and disabling fungal infections.
    1981SmithKline Beecham patented Amoxicillin or amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium tablets, and first sold the antibiotic in 1998 under the tradenames of Amoxicillin, Amoxil, and Trimox. Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic antibiotic.

Thursday, June 3, 2010 12:11 AM By surendra

antibiotics an introduction

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 12:43 AM By surendra

The word antibiotic comes from the Greek anti meaning 'against' and bios meaning 'life' (a bacterium is a life form).' Antibiotics are also known as antibacterials, and they are drugs used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Bacteria are tiny organisms that can sometimes cause illness to humans and animals. The singular word for bacteria is bacterium.

Such illnesses astuberculosis, salmonella,syphilis and some forms ofmeningitis are caused by bacteria. Some bacteria are not harmful, while others are good for us.

Before bacteria can multiply and cause symptoms our immune system can usually destroy them. We have special white blood cells that attack harmful bacteria. Even if symptoms do occur, our immune system can usually cope and fight off the infection. There are occasions, however, when it is all too much and our bodies need some help - from antibiotics.

The first antibiotic was penicillin. Such penicillin-related antibiotics as ampicillin, amoxicillin and benzylpenicilllin are widely used today to treat a variety of infections - these antibiotics have been around for a long time. There are several different types of modern antibiotics and they are only available with a doctor's prescription in industrialized countries.
How do antibiotics work?
Although there are a number of different types of antibiotic they all work in one of two ways:
• A bactericidal antibiotic kills the bacteria. Penicillin is a bactericidal. A bactericidal usually either interferes with the formation of the bacterium's cell wall or its cell contents.

• A bacteriostatic stops bacteria from multiplying.
What are antibiotics for?
An antibiotic is given for the treatment of an infection caused by bacteria. They target only bacteria - they do not attack other organisms, such as fungi or viruses. If you have an infection it is important to know whether it is caused by bacteria, and not a virus or fungus. Most upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold and sore throats are generally caused by viruses - antibiotics do not work against viruses.

If antibiotics are overused or used incorrectly there is a chance that the bacteria will become resistant - the antibiotic becomes less effective against that type of bacterium.

A broad-spectrum antibiotic can be used to treat a wide range of infections. A narrow-spectrum antibiotic is only effective against a few types of bacteria. There are antibiotics that attack aerobic bacteria, while others work against anaerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria need oxygen, while anaerobic bacteria don't.

Antibiotics may be given beforehand, to prevent infection, as might be the case before surgery. This is called 'prophylactic' use of antibiotics. They are commonly used before bowel and orthopedic surgery.

What are the side-effects of antibiotics?
Below is a list of the most common side-effects of antibiotics:
• Diarrhea
• Feeling and being sick
• Fungal infections of the mouth, digestive tract and vagina
Below is a list of rare side-effects of antibiotics:
• Formation of kidney stones (when taking sulphonamides)
• Abnormal blood clotting (when taking some cephalosporins)
• Sensitivity to sun (when taking tetracyclines)
• Blood disorders (when taking trimethoprim)
• Deafness (when taking erythromycin and the aminoglycosides)
Some patients, especially elderly ones, may experience inflamed bowels (a type of colitis) which can lead to severe diarrhea. Clindamycin, an antibiotic used for the most serious infections, commonly has this side effect. However, although much less common, penicillins, cephalosporins and erythromycin might do too.
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Allergic reactions to antibiotics

Some patients may develop an allergic reaction to antibiotics - especially penicillins. Side effects might include a rash, swelling of the tongue and face, and difficulty breathing. If you have ever had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic you must tell your doctor and/or pharmacist. Reactions to antibiotics can be very serious, and sometimes fatal - they are called anaphylactic reactions.

Use antibiotics with extreme caution and ensure you inform your doctor/pharmacist if:
• You have reduced liver or kidney function.
• You are pregnant
• You are breastfeeding
Antibiotics may clash (interact) with other medicines
If you are taking an antibiotic do not take other medicines or herbal remedies without telling your doctor first. OTC (over the counter, non-prescription) medicines might also clash with your antibiotic.

Penicillin’s, cephalosporin’s, and some other antibiotics may undermine the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. If the antibiotic has caused diarrhea/vomiting the absorption of contraceptives may also be disrupted. If you are taking any of these drugs you should consider taking additional contraceptive precautions.

How to use antibiotics
Antibiotics are usually taken by mouth (orally); however, they can also be administered by injection, or applied directly to the affected part of the body.

Most antibiotics start having an effect on an infection within a few hours. It is important to remember to complete the whole course of the medication to prevent the infection from coming back. If you do not complete the course, there is a higher chance the bacteria may become resistant to future treatments - because the ones that survive when you did not complete the course have had some exposure to the antibiotic and may consequently have built up a resistance to it. Even if you are feeling better, you still need to complete the course.

Some antibiotics should not be consumed with certain foods and drinks. Others should not be taken with food in your stomach - these would normally be taken about an hour before meals, or two hours after. It is crucial that you follow the instructions correctly if you want the medication to be effective. If you are taking metronidazole do not consume alcohol. Dairy products should not be consumed if you are taking tetracyclines, as they might affect the absorption of the medication.

DNA Techology

Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:21 PM By surendra , In

DNA technology has revolutionized modern science. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), or an organism's genetic material—inherited from one generation to the next—holds many clues that have unlocked some of the mysteries behind human behavior, disease, evolution, and aging. As technological advances lead to a better understanding of DNA, new DNA-based technologies will emerge. Recent advances in DNA technology including cloning, PCR, recombinant DNA technology, DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy, DNA microarray technology, and DNA profiling have already begun to shape medicine, forensic sciences, environmental sciences, and national security.

In 1956, the structure and composition of DNA was elucidated and confirmed previous studies more than a decade earlier demonstrating DNA is the genetic material that is passed down from one generation to the next. A novel tool called PCR (polymerase chain reaction) was developed not long after DNA was descovered. PCR represents one of the most significant discoveries or inventions in DNA technology and it lead to a 1993 Nobel Prize award for American born Kary Mullis (1949–).
PCR is the amplification of a specific sequence of DNA so that it can be analyzed by scientists. Amplification is important, particularly when it is necessary to analyze a small sequence of DNA in quantities that are large enough to perform other molecular analyses such as DNA sequencing. Not long after PCR technology was developed, genetic engineering of DNA through recombinant DNA technology quickly became possible. Recombinant DNA is DNA that has been altered using bacterial derived enzymes called restriction endonucleases that act like scissors to cut DNA. The pattern that is cut can be matched to a pattern cut by the same enzymes from a different DNA sequence. The sticky ends that are created bind to each other and a DNA sequence can therefore be inserted into another DNA sequence.

Restriction endonucleases are also important in genetic fingerprinting. In this case, enzymes that recognize specific DNA sequences can produce fragments of DNA by cutting different parts of a long strand of DNA. If there are differences in the sequence due to inherited variation—meaning that there are extra DNA or specific sequences altered such that the restriction enzymes no longer recognize the site, variable patterns can be produced. If these patterns are used to compare two different people, they will have a different fragment pattern or fingerprint. Genetic fingerprinting can be used to test for paternity. In forensics, genetic fingerprinting can be used to identify a criminal based on whether their unique DNA sequence matches to DNA extracted from a crime scene. This technology can also allow researchers to produce genetic maps of chromosomes based on these restriction enzyme fingerprints. Becasue there are many different enzymes, many different fingerprints can be ascertained

Recombinant DNA technology can also be applied to splicing genes into molecular devices that can transport these genes to various cellular destinations. This technique, also called gene therapy, has been used to deliver corrected genes into individuals that have defective genes that cause disease. Gene splicing has also been applied to the environment as well. Various bacteria have been genetically modified to produce proteins that break down harmful chemical contaminants such as DDT. Currently, scientists are investigating the application of this technology to produce genetically engineered plants and crops that can produce substances that kill insects. Similarly, fruits can be engineered to have genes that produce proteins that slow the ripening process in an effort to extend their shelf life.

DNA microarray technology, also known as the DNA chip, is the latest in nanotechnology that allows researchers the have ability to study the genome in a high throughput manner. It can be used for gene expression profiling which gives scientists insights into what genes are being up or down-regulated. Various genetic profiles can be determined in order to estimate cancer risk or to identify markers that may be associated with disease. It has the ability only to detect changes in gene expression that are large enough to be detected above a baseline level. Therefore, it does not detect subtle changes in gene expression that might cause disease or play a role in the development of disease. It can also be used for genotyping, although clinical diagnostic genotyping using microarray technology is still being investigated.

Genes from other species can also be used to add new traits to a particular organism. For example, bacteria, mice, and plants have all had luminescent (light glowing) genes from jelly fish added to their genomes. Another reason for adding genes to a foreign organism is to manufacture various nutritional or pharmaceutical products. Some cows have been modified so that they can produce human insulin or vitamins in their milk in bulk. Pigs have been modified to overcome a number of transplantation problems so that some limited transplantation of organs can be carried out from pigs to humans, also called xenotransplation.

DNA technology is a relatively new area of research with enormous controversy. It will likely continue to be a large part of public debate and have an impact on every aspect of medical diagnostics, therapeutics, forensics, and genetic profiling.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010 8:41 AM By surendra , In


Proteomics is the large-scale study of proteins, particularly their structures and functions. Proteins are vital parts of living organisms, as they are the main components of the physiological metabolic pathways of cells. The term "proteomics" was first coined in 1997 to make an analogy with genomics, the study of the genes. The word "proteome" is a blend of "protein" and "genome", and was coined by Prof Marc Wilkins in 1994 while working on the concept as a PhD student.
Proteome: All the proteins that can be synthesized by the cell.
The proteome is the entire complement of proteins, including the modifications made to a particular set of proteins, produced by an organism or system. This will vary with time and distinct requirements, or stresses, that a cell or organism undergoes.
A proteome is quite a bit more complicated than the genome because a single gene can give rise to a number of different proteins through
alternative splicing of the pre-messenger RNAs;
RNA editing of the pre-messenger RNAs;
attachment of carbohydrate residues to form glycoprotein;
addition of phosphate groups to some of the amino acids in the protein
While we humans may turn out to have only 25 to 30 thousand genes, we probably make at least 10 times that number of different proteins. More than 50% of our genes produce pre-mRNAs that are alternatively-spliced.


Genomics is the study of the genomes of organisms. The field includes intensive efforts to determine the entire DNA sequence of organisms and fine-scale genetic mapping efforts. The field also includes studies of intragenomic phenomena such as heterosis, epistasis, pleiotropy and other interactions between loci and alleles within the genome. In contrast, the investigation of the roles and functions of single genes is a primary focus of molecular biology and is a common topic of modern medical and biological research. Research of single genes does not fall into the definition of genomics unless the aim of this genetic, pathway, and functional information analysis is to elucidate its effect on, place in, and response to the entire genome's networks.
For the United States Environmental Protection Agency, "the term "genomics" encompasses a broader scope of scientific inquiry associated technologies than when genomics was initially considered. A genome is the sum total of all an individual organism's genes. Thus, genomics is the study of all the genes of a cell, or tissue, at the DNA (genotype), mRNA (transcriptome), or protein (proteome) levels.

3. Why study Proteomics?
The study of proteomics is important because proteins are responsible for both the structure and the functions of all living things. Genes are simply the instructions for making proteins. It is proteins that make life.
The key requirement in understanding protein function is to learn to correlate the vast array of potential protein modifications to particular phenotypic settings, and then determine if a particular post-translational modification is required for a function to occur.
Even if one is studying a particular cell type, that cell may make different sets of proteins at different times, or under different conditions. Furthermore, as mentioned, any one protein can undergo a wide range of post-translational modifications.
Therefore a "proteomics" study can become quite complex very quickly, even if the object of the study is very restricted. In more ambitious settings, such as when a biomarker for a tumor is sought - when the proteomics scientist is obliged to study sera samples from multiple cancer patients - the amount of complexity that must be dealt with is as great as in any modern biological project.
3.1 Limitations to genomic study
Scientists are very interested in proteomics because it gives a much better understanding of an organism than genomics. First, the level of transcription of a gene gives only a rough estimate of its level of expression into a protein. An mRNA produced in abundance may be degraded rapidly or translated inefficiently, resulting in a small amount of protein. Second, as mentioned above many proteins experience post-translational modifications that profoundly affect their activities; for example some proteins are not active until they become phosphorylated. Methods such as phosphoproteomics and glycoproteomics are used to study post-translational modifications. Third, many transcripts give rise to more than one protein, through alternative splicing or alternative post-translational modifications. Fourth, many proteins form complexes with other proteins or RNA molecules, and only function in the presence of these other molecules. Finally, protein degradation rate plays an important role in protein content.

4. Methods of studying proteins
4.1 Determining proteins which are post-translationally modified
One way in which a particular protein can be studied is to develop an antibody which is specific to that modification. For example, there are antibodies which only recognize certain proteins when they are tyrosine-phosphorylated; also, there are antibodies specific to other modifications. These can be used to determine the set of proteins that have undergone the modification of interest.
For sugar modifications, such as glycosylation of proteins, certain lectins have been discovered which bind sugars. These too can be used.
A more common way to determine post-translational modification of interest is to subject a complex mixture of proteins to electrophoresis in "two-dimensions", which simply means that the proteins are electrophoresed first in one direction, and then in another... this allows small differences in a protein to be visualized by separating a modified protein from its unmodified form. This methodology is known as "two-dimensional gel electrophoresis".
Recently, another approach has been developed called PROTOMAP which combines SDS-PAGE with shotgun proteomics to enable detection of changes in gel-migration such as those caused by proteolysis or post translational modification.

4.2 Determining the existence of proteins in complex mixtures
Classically, antibodies to particular proteins or to their modified forms have been used in biochemistry and cell biology studies. These are among the most common tools used by practicing biologists today.
For more quantitative determinations of protein amounts, techniques such as ELISAs can be used.
For proteomic study, more recent techniques such as Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization have been employed for rapid determination of proteins in particular mixtures.
4.3 How To Study?(A Procedure)
1. Isolate a homogeneous population of cells (e.g., yeast cells that have just been switched from glucose to galactose as their energy source).
2. Extract the contents of the cells and separate the mix of proteins from other components.
3. Separate the proteins in the mix by two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis. This separates the proteins
o in one dimension by their electrical charge;
o in the second dimension by their size.
(The procedure is analogous to that used in paper chromatography.
4. Stain the gel to visualize the various spots of protein.
5. Punch out a spot.
6. Add a protease (e.g., trypsin) to digest the protein in that spot into a mix of peptides.
7. Run the mix through a mass spectrometer, which will separate the peptides into sharply-defined peaks.
8. Run the resulting data through a database of all known proteins (that have been digested with the same enzyme) to see if you can find a match.

What if there is no match; that is, you have stumbled on an unknown protein?
1. Isolate individual peptides from your mix and run one through a mass spectrometer that has been modified to
o first randomly break the peptide into a mix of fragments containing one, two, etc. amino acids
o then measure the mass of each fragment.
2. Enter the resulting data into a database that matches the mass data with known pairs, triplets, etc. of amino acids.
3. With the aid of overlaps, assemble the fragments to reveal the entire sequence of the peptide.
4. "Back-translate" the amino acid sequence to determine what sequence of nucleotides in DNA could encode that peptide.
5. Search the genome database for an open reading frame (ORF) that contains that sequence.
6. Translate that ORF to get the entire amino acid sequence of your protein.
4.4 Study of Three-Dimensional (3D) Structure of a Protein
The clearest picture of how different proteins interact with one another to form functional complexes will come from determining the 3D structure of the complex. There are two methods:
X-ray crystallography;
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
X-ray crystallography requires that you be able to crystallize the protein. This is often a difficult task and especially difficult for complexes of two or more proteins.
Although in both cases the proteins are binding to DNA, they are also binding to each other (as homodimers).
NMR spectroscopy has been especially useful in producing 3D images of proteins that cannot be crystallized.
5. Practical applications of proteomics
One of the most promising developments to come from the study of human genes and proteins has been the identification of potential new drugs for the treatment of disease. This relies on genome and proteome information to identify proteins associated with a disease, which computer software can then use as targets for new drugs. For example, if a certain protein is implicated in a disease, its 3D structure provides the information to design drugs to interfere with the action of the protein. A molecule that fits the active site of an enzyme, but cannot be released by the enzyme, will inactivate the enzyme. This is the basis of new drug-discovery tools, which aim to find new drugs to inactivate proteins involved in disease. As genetic differences among individuals are found, researchers expect to use these techniques to develop personalized drugs that are more effective for the individual.
A computer technique which attempts to fit millions of small molecules to the three-dimensional structure of a protein is called "virtual ligand screening". The computer rates the quality of the fit to various sites in the protein, with the goal of either enhancing or disabling the function of the protein, depending on its function in the cell. A good example of this is the identification of new drugs to target and inactivate the HIV-1 protease. The HIV-1 protease is an enzyme that cleaves a very large HIV protein into smaller, functional proteins. The virus cannot survive without this enzyme; therefore, it is one of the most effective protein targets for killing HIV.
5.1 Biomarkers
Understanding the proteome, the structure and function of each protein and the complexities of protein-protein interactions will be critical for developing the most effective diagnostic techniques and disease treatments in the future.
An interesting use of proteomics is using specific protein biomarkers to diagnose disease. A number of techniques allow to test for proteins produced during a particular disease, which helps to diagnose the disease quickly. Techniques include western blot, immunohistochemical staining, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or mass spectrometry.

medical college in eastern nepal

12:11 AM By surendra , In

Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital and Research Centre School is a non governmental medical college which was established in 2005 in joint collaboration and affiliation from Kathmandu University and the Medical Degree is recognized by the Nepal Medical Council.
Educational strategy is based on Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and community-Based Learning (CBL). as an integrated part of the curriculum. PBL comprises small group tutorial sessions under the guidance of faculty tutor. Following this, self directed, independent learning takes place. This is supplemented by laboratory experiments and lectures on selected key topics. CBL comprises of teaching/Learning in community with regular residential posting as well as the usual classroom learning.
NMCTHRC has been recognized by the Nepal Medical Council

Medical College
The Basic Science Campus
The Basic Science Campus in the premises of Nobel Hospital & Research Center P. Ltd. Kanchanbari, Biratnagar, has been approaching completion in construction for Basic Science Disciplines like Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology and Community Medicine. The teaching learning facilities for disciplines like Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology now running in the Basic Science Campus in Kanchanbari, Biratnagar.

Nepali students have to qualify for KUMET
(Entrance Test conducted by Kathmandu University) for admission.
Expatriate students and students from SAARC nations shall appear for the admission test at the College itself.
The candidates can obtain the Prospectus with Application Form at The Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital, Kanchanbari, biratnagar-5,Nepal by paying NRs 1000.00 for Nepalese students or IRS 1000.00.for Indian students or students from SAARC nations in cash at Medical College counter or A/C draft payable at Bank Of Kathmandu / Nabil Bank Limited on behalf of The Nobel Medical College Teaching Hospital P. Ltd.

Duly filled in applications along with attested photocopies of School Leaving Certificate, ISc/CBSC Certificate or 10+2 Certificate, Character Certificate from the Chief of the Institution last attended, Nationality/Citizenship Certificate, Identification Certificate, Valid Passport ( In case of students from SAARC countries) have to be submitted. The Migration Certificate have to be submitted at the time of admission if the student has passed the Class XII Examination from university other than the Kathmandu University.

Manipal College of Medical Sciences

Monday, May 24, 2010 12:11 AM By surendra

Manipal College of Medical Sciences is the first private medical school in Nepal. Established in 1994 and located in Pokhara, the school is affiliated with Kathmandu University. The school is the result of a collaboration between the Manipal Education and Medical Group (MEMG) and the Government of Nepal.
MCOMS has two locations in one of the most beautiful cities in Nepal, Pokhara. The basic sciences campus is located at Deep Heights, and 1st and 2nd year courses are taught there. The clinical campus with the teaching hospital is located in Fulbari, Pokhara, over looking the Annapurna mountain range.
• PCL Nursing B.SC. Nursing (Since 2009)
It is considered as the best private medical college in Nepal. 75 students are enrolled biannually. The majority of the students are of Indian and Nepalese origin. Students from other nations such as: Sri Lanka, United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, Kenya, etc are also enrolled. Many elective students visit from American and European Universities and have the opportunity for hands on training as well as indulging in the beauty and serenity of Nepal. It is one of the best choices amongst medical colleges in Nepal.
The course is divided into 9 semesters, each of 6 months duration (4.5 years). The first four semesters are devoted to the basic sciences.
The basic science training takes place at Deep Campus. Only after passing all the subjects of basic sciences, a student is promoted to the clinical aspect of the course.
The next five semesters are devoted to the study of clinical sciences, and are held at Manipal Teaching Hospital, Pokhara.
It is recognized by the Medical Council of Nepal, SriLanka, and other countries. It is also listed in WHO List and also recognized under FAIMER.
Manipal Teaching Hospital (MTH) is a 700-bed hospital, located at Phulbari; Pokhara.It is a 5-storey building. With housing facilities available on campus

Best doctors producer in Nepal

Sunday, May 23, 2010 11:56 PM By surendra , In

Best doctors producer in Nepal

Maharajgunj campus

Maharajgunj Campus (MC) at Maharajgunj, Kathmandu is one of the nine campuses of the Institute of Medicine (IoM). Since its upgradation to the status of a campus of IoM from the Auxiliary Health Worker's School in 1972, MC has, during the span of just over two decades, played a significant role in conducting academic programmes for the development of different categories of Human Resources for Health (HRH) in Nepal. Of the twenty-nine academic programmes that the IoM runs to date, twenty-five consisting of eighteen postgraduate, four undergraduate and three certificate programmes (about ninty percent of the educational activities of the IoM) are being conducted at MC. In its endeavour to create competent and diverse Human Resources for Health. HRH, ranging from a Primary health Care worker to a Medical Specialist for rendering primary to tertiary health care in the country. MC has indeed taken a long stride in the field of medical education in Nepal.

The establishment of Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) in 1983 near to MC premise, made the fact very clear imparting medical education does require a teaching hosital for facilitating teaching-learning activities effectively. With the establishment of TUTH, MC acquired the full status of the First Medical School in Nepal. Since then, MC not only became responsible for imparting medical education but also started to provide tertiary health care to all those coming to THTH. The faculty of medicine here played a dual role- that of a medical teacher and a medical specialist.
